Face Lift For Men in Frisco

Face Lift

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Treatment Type:


Estimated Recovery Time:

4 to 6 weeks

Duration of Results:

10 to 12 years

What A Male Face Lift Treats

A men’s face lift isn’t about looking different—it’s about looking like the best version of yourself. Whether life’s taken a toll or gravity’s had its way, this procedure tackles the signs of aging and gives your face a serious upgrade. A men’s face lift delivers real results:

  • Sharpens and defines your jawline
  • Firms and refreshes loose skin
  • Smooths deep wrinkles for a rested look
  • Restores volume for a healthier appearance

Cracks in the Mirror

Sure, we all respect Keith Richards for living a long, full life. What a rock icon! Clint Eastwood, living legend. Texas’ own Willie Nelson, a powerhouse. What do they all have in common?

Our respect, our admiration, and plenty of lines and wrinkles!

Aging is inevitable. The signs of it don’t have to be. At SCULPT, we’ll help you fight back against aging lines with a face lift for men in Frisco. A face lift, aka a rhytidectomy, reduces visible signs of aging like crow’s feet and other fine lines and wrinkles in the face and neck. The procedure tightens sagging facial tissues, smooths wrinkles, and removes any excess skin to create a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance—and that truly rocks.

The Male Face Lift Process

  • Step 1: Consultation

    When you sit down with Dr. Beck, it’s all about building your custom strategy. He’ll kick things off by running through your medical history—past surgeries, conditions, and any meds you’re on. Next up, he’ll size up your face and neck, checking out skin elasticity, muscle tone, and your overall facial structure. This deep dive ensures that your face lift is tailored to your unique goals and needs.

  • Step 2: Procedure

    A men’s face lift isn’t just about a quick fix—it’s precision work to sculpt a more youthful, confident you. Dr. Beck will make discreet incisions along your hairline or behind your ears, where no one will notice. From there, he lifts and repositions sagging muscles, trims away excess skin, and fine-tunes the fat to create a smooth, sharp contour that brings back your edge.

  • Step 3: Recovery

    Recovery from a Face Lift For Men in Frisco is all about getting back in the game—just with a fresher look. You’ll likely experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the days post-surgery, but nothing a little pain medication and solid post-op care can’t handle. Most guys are back to their routine within 1 to 2 weeks, ready to show off a sharper, younger face.

Why Men Choose SCULPT for Men’s Aesthetics and Wellness

Regain Confidence

Opting for plastic surgery, specifically a face lift for men in Frisco, can have a positive impact on one’s life. It can elevate one’s self-confidence, self-image, and motivation, resulting in a remarkable transformation that goes beyond mere physical alterations.

Male Focus and Expertise

If you’re looking for anti-aging treatments, regenerative medicine and male-focused aesthetics services specifically designed for men, then request a consultation with Dr. Beck and our team at SCULPT. We combine Dr. Beck’s surgical skill with non-surgical approaches and whole-person health and wellness that’s focused on men.


Dr. Beck’s innovative approach has revolutionized the perception of men’s aesthetics, providing guys with more inclusive, accessible, and welcoming options. His pioneering work has shattered gender stereotypes and has created a positive impact for men from coast to coast.

Casual Environment

At SCULPT, we create a tranquil and confidential office space, carefully designed to provide our clients with the utmost comfort and privacy. Our team provides a safe and supportive environment where you can discuss your concerns and receive expert guidance.

Build Your Treatment Plan

Are you looking for a convenient way to explore your cosmetic needs and find a recommended treatment plan? With just a few clicks, you can easily consider a range of treatments like a face lift for men in Frisco via our treatment planning tool. This user-friendly resource makes it easy to get started and take control of your decisions.

Build Your Treatment Plan

Meet Dr. Beck

Dr. Daniel Beck is a board-certified plastic surgeon with additional training in cosmetic surgery, LASERs, hair restoration, and men’s non-surgical aesthetics and wellness. He is a recognized leader as a top doctor, lecturer, consultant, teacher, and mentor.

With his select team, Dr. Beck combines skill, expertise, the latest technologies, and unwavering attention to detail for the most dramatic yet natural outcomes possible for surgical procedures like a face lift for men in Frisco.

Meet Dr. Beck


Frequently Asked Questions About Male Face Lifts

Let’s Talk About You Today

Request an appointment, and let’s meet face-to-face to talk about your goals. No sales pitch, no wasted time, just answers and opportunities that will help you look your best.

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